
Thursday, 22 May 2008

As we have often discussed in my Labor Econ class at Centre, France is very 'unique' in terms of labor force and economic efficiency. There was a strike in Strasbourg today to picket reductions in the employee retirement programs signed by President Sarkozy. Due to the strike, public works places including the metro trains and some museums were stopped or closed. The strike did not completely strangle Strasbourg, but it changed Director Bradshaw's plan for us to visit the Museum of Archeology (Palais Rohan). We did make it to the Musee Historique which covered Strasbourg from 4500bc to the mid 1800s (pre-history up to the revolutionary period).

I'm still having some issues with the daily electronics I rely on. Internet can be purchased at my apartment but it is not user-friendly nor is it in English. International calls back to The States are also causing me some problems. Phone Cards often give a busy signal when calling out... I'd say 1 in 3 calls works, operators are automated and only speak French, 6 guys are sharing a phone and there are only certain hours we can call home (when we aren't in class and since the 6 hour difference it's early in the AM if I call home before noon here). We are also having a lot of trouble with shavers / clippers and other items because the adapters are not full-proof. I may have fried my beard and mustache trimmer today : (

After class, we took a trip to the local mall and ate at the Quick (similar to McDonald's). Made the 70meter trek back to the room and everyone seemed to pass out. I woke up around 8:15pm thinking everyone else had been up or went out. When I got up and looked around- everyone was knocked out. I headed over to Vosges, where the girls are staying. (I'm at Bouxwiller).
Kara, Kathleen, and I went to eat at a near pizzeria that was open late... which is rare because most places seem to close here before 8pm .I had a wonderful Hawaiian pizza. Chicken, creme sauce, pineapple, and ham for about 10Euro with water.

Stayed up a little while back at Boux, the other guys played some poker and I worked on my laptop. Tried to call home twice but didn't get an answer.

I will try to go back and begin posting pictures with their respective days as my camera charger does work with an adapter here.... thank goodness.

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