
Saturday in Munich

Saturday we got a later start in the day - most everyone was tired from staying up and the train ride on Friday. We went to BMW Welt - it's more or less a place for BMW to show off how much money they have... it was pretty cool. I was hoping to go on a tour of the plant or museum but both were unavailable at the time we had got there. We then took a very short walk over to Olympic Park - the remains of the stadiums etc. that were used in the 1972 Olympics. Beau and I went up Olympic tower and could see as far away as the Alps, which was pretty sweet. Other highlights included the consumption of real German-roasted nuts which I got at the park and I witnessed an automatic ice cream machine that puts the perfect amount on a cone for a euro. And hopefully the upload will work - got to see some sweet inline skaters (Video). Later that night I ended up going on a beer or bar crawl with Danny and Beau - - 4 liters of the world's best beer, it was an interesting experience but I preferred the club the night before.

We headed back to Strasbourg early Sunday morning and I tried to get all the sleep in I could before we got back.

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